Our two newest heroes
Chase Shumanski
82nd Airborne
Pvt. Ruben Ruiz III
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Thank you for your support!
Military Heroes Support Foundation, a 501(c)(3) Non Profit Corporation, was founded on the principle that we "Never Let A Hero Stand Alone". The organization is completely made up of the generosity of the community through donations and volunteering. Volunteers are 100% committed to the men and women of our United States Armed Forces and their families.
Our mission is to:
(1) Provide our military direction and support in achieving an effective transition as they return home
(2) Act as a liaison between service members, their families, and available resources within the military and local communities
(3) Work to maximize the effectiveness of all new and existing resources and to ensure accurate and timely communication to our men and women
(4) Support our military personnel deployed overseas with monthly shipments of care packages
Carol Sain
Vice President
Tom Kelaher